My happy ending is finally feeling at home in the world. Robin is just a part of that world.

The Author: Of all the characters I've written for you really do get screwed over the most.
Regina: I'm well aware.

How about we make today the day we both beat fate?

Ain't fate a bitch.

I knew Gold couldn't keep the dragon on her leash for long.

Regina: You're acting like a petulant child. Your parents did a bad thing. They apologized. Now get over it.
Emma: Forgive me if I don't take advice from the woman who held a grudge for half of her life because a 10-year-old spilled a secret.

With Henry's life on the line I need to be around people I trust and right now that's not you.


David: You're not actually considering Cruella's demand to kill the author?
Regina: Of course not. Even if we could find him it wouldn't be half the fun of killing Cruella. Let's see how she likes being made into outerwear.

You have made me a monster but I won't let you do the same thing to Emma.

No one goes near Henry but me. If you have a problem with that you can take it up with one of my fire balls.

Cruella de Vil: Oh, at last. I feel like I've aged a decade waiting for you.
Regina: Well, you certainly look like it.

Oh please, I was torturing people back when you were still playing with puppies.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
