Walter: Ummm...I feel nauseated.
Peter: Yeah, this is pretty disgusting, even by our standards.
Walter: I'm not talking about the body; I fear I may have broken wind inside my suit.

Peter: Walter. Olivia's here, she needs to talk to you. Walter!
Walter: Could she come back later? I'm about to step in the bath.
Peter: No, she can't come back later. It's the middle of the night. She needs to talk to you right now.
Walter: (comes out of the bathroom) Honestly, Peter, can't a man get... Agent Dunham. Peter, why didn't you tell me Agent Dunham was here?
Peter: I'm pretty sure I did.

Walter: We did have fun didn't we? Don't know what happened to this generation. I have a prescription (smoking a joint).
Nina: So do I.

Walter: Agent, I need this body taken back to my lab.
Paramedic: Hey, lunatic, this body is going to the morgue. Is he crazy?
Walter: Peter?
Paramedic: Who is the agent in charge here?
Jessup: I am. take it wherever he wants.
Walter: Lovely.
Jessup: Is he crazy?
Peter: Oh, yeah.

Olivia: Walter, have you got any idea what kind of animal would be in a lab that could do this?
Walter: Well, judging by the wounds, I'd say two or three different ones, actually.
Peter: Right, a motley crew of lab animals got together and decided to exact their revenge on mankind.

Walter: We need to celebrate and make sure that Agent Dunham can attend. I want to see her face when she eats my pudding.
Peter: That's disturbing.

I've always wanted a two-headed goat. Where can I get a subscription?

Walter: With all due respect, Darwin got it all wrong. I used to make the joke that Darwin's thinking was rather... unevolved.
Peter: Which I'm sure used to be very funny.

If you really want a story, you should look under the dome. I'm growing an ear.

Walter: I need to go back to the market, aspirin. We need to go to the market.
Broyles: Is he ok?
Peter: Well he's Walter, define ok.

Walter: 10th street, I frequented a massage parlor just around the corner. I used to get off right here.
Peter: I sure hope you're talking about the station Walter.

"You're just saying that to see if I'm high."

Fringe Quotes

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Just your average multi-national corporation specializing in secret bio research and defense contracting. Massive Dynamic. Seems like such an innocent name for a corporation, don't you think?


Fringe Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes