Walter: Check his crotch.
Astrid: I'm sorry?
Walter: Don't be a prude.

Fauxlivia: Oh, isn't this a party. Hey girls!
Walter: Mata Hari. Deceived and betrayed anyone yet today? It is almost lunchtime after all.

Fauxlivia: You're giving me a sendoff?
Walter: You may possess positive qualities that I previously overlooked.
Fauxlivia: Are you flirting with me?
Walter: In your dreams.

Oh, I'm not allowed to drive. I haven't renewed my license since I got out of the mental institution.

Walter: I saw this once before.
Olivia: Where?
Walter: Brigadoon. The musical. Magical town in the forest where no one can leave. Of course that quaint, Scottish village was more hospitable than our present locale.

Ah yes! We can resume our efforts to get you home.

If Sean and his half brothers are linked in a telepathic network, then it's possible they have formed a collective identity.

Walter: It's not important now. I need you to take me to the bridge.
Lincoln: What?
I need to see Nina Sharp. I know what's happening to Olivia.

Walter: Whatever consciousness Olivia appears to be manifesting now, she is not who she appears to be.
Peter: You don't know that!

Astrid: Wait, stop.
Peter: What, what do you see?
Astrid: I don't see anything, but I really have to pee and I don't want to miss anything.
Walter: I've had the same issue for the past ten minutes!

Walter: I admire you Peter.
Peter: Why is that Walter?
Walter: I told you what the right thing, ethically, was to do. Leaving Olivia. But I don't believe I would have been able to do it myself.

I went beaver hunting in eastern Canada in the 70s. Of course, in those days, beaver hunting meant something else entirely.

Fringe Quotes

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Just your average multi-national corporation specializing in secret bio research and defense contracting. Massive Dynamic. Seems like such an innocent name for a corporation, don't you think?


Fringe Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes