Lucas: One damn drink and you're gonna fire me? You know all the losses I've gone through lately. You know what I've lost. I've lost my son and Adrienne. I-I can't lose this job too. I need this job.
Kate: Okay. But it seems to me like you're acting like all you need is one more drink. I know you're hurt. I know you're heartbroken. But this isn't the way to handle it. Lucas, you need help.
Lucas: No, I need some empathy. I need some support. Anything. But I guess that's not you, is it? That's not in your wheelhouse, right?
Kate: Okay. How do you think Will would feel if he were alive and he saw you right now?
Lucas: Did you actually just say that? That actually came out of your mouth?
Kate: Oh, what? What? Why? Is that off-limits, to bring up your son, your son who loved you, your son who wanted the best for you? Because he would be appalled if he saw you drinking right now, Lucas.
Lucas: Mentioning my son in any other way but a loving, respectful way is off-limits, yes, because he's gone! How could you do that? How could you try to make me feel guilty about my own son? Any person with a heart or a conscience would know that you don't say that, that that's off-limits!
Kate: I'm sorry.
Lucas: Good. I'm glad you're sorry, because now I really do need a drink.

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