Leo: Gabi, I'm sorry. I really am.
Gabi: Not as sorry as you're gonna be.
Gwen: Leo. Talk to me.
Leo: Look, it's just, you're my best friend. You're my only friend.
Dimitri: And if you are her friend, then you will trust her and her decision. Now, I know you don't trust me. but I promise you, I am not going to hurt her.
Kristen: And I will make sure he keeps his word.
Dimitri: Leo, I know how much you love Gwen and vice versa, but you will always be a part of her life, so that means we're stuck with each other. And I'm hoping that we can get along and someday even you and I could be friends.
Gabi: Heartwarming. Now can we hurry up and get along with this thing?

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