Gabriela: Jake.
Jake: What? No. Good morning, 5 AM. And good morning, Gabriela.
Gabriela: I -- I need your breakfast, frittata. And also, how was Bode's party?
Jake: I didn't go. You didn't go?
Gabriela: Why didn't you go?
Jake: Well, I think I got in Bode's head at the Lazarus fire. Why didn't you go?
Gabriela: I'm his ex. It's weird.
Jake: You're my ex. Sitting in my bed. At 5 AM. That's not weird at all. And you don't even work here anymore.
Eve: I know. I am here to scold. You both missed Bode's party.
Gabriela: Well, I sent him a donut.
Eve: I'm serious. He needs us. He needs his support system. He needs us.
Jake: Okay. Yeah. You're right. We should have totally been there. I -- I feel terrible.
Gabriela: I feel worse.
Eve: And I feel hungry. Jake, you cooking? Cause enjoy me while you can. Because I might be moving to Sacramento.
Gabriela: Wait, what?
Jake: Huh? Sacramento? What's in Sacramento?

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Gabriela Perez, Eve Edwards, Jake Crawford
Fire Country Season 2 Episode 10: "I Do"
Fire Country
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Gabriela Perez Quotes, Eve Edwards Quotes, Jake Crawford Quotes, Fire Country Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes, Fire Country Quotes
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Fire Country Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Eve: You're going to need these.
Bode: Couldn't have done it without you, Captain.
Dispatch: Vegetation fire. Three Rock.
Eve: What, you a little jealous?
Bode: A little bit.
Eve: Your ride's here.

Jake: Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Die?
Sharon: No. No, no, no, no. The procedure went great. And it's curative. I'm just -
Jake: Afraid he could die at work, because we all could at any minute on the job.
Sharon: That one.
Jake: Yeah. Gene is too. I mean, she tenses up every time that I leave for work. I don't know if I can keep leaving her.
Sharon: You're not thinking about quitting?
Jake: No, no, no, no. I was -- I don't know -- I was thinking more of the inspector route.
Sharon: Oh, okay. So Superman is going to become Clark Kent full time.