Naomi: I know that you're sorry. And I understand the circumstances. But why didn't you tell me sooner?
Greg: We kept saying that we'd do it when you were older. But you seemed happy. So were we. We felt normal.
Jen: It was wrong not to tell you. And we understand if you hate us. But we really hope maybe one day you might be able to forgive us.

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Naomi Season 1 Episode 4: "Enigma"
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Naomi Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Naomi: I know that you're sorry. And I understand the circumstances. But why didn't you tell me sooner?
Greg: We kept saying that we'd do it when you were older. But you seemed happy. So were we. We felt normal.
Jen: It was wrong not to tell you. And we understand if you hate us. But we really hope maybe one day you might be able to forgive us.

Greg: All we knew is that you come from somewhere...up there.
Naomi: But how did I get here? Did I come in some kind of spaceship?
Jen: There was no spaceship. There was no wreckage. Just you.