Carrie: I'm not going to jail.
Guy: It seems to me you're already there.

Go back to you life, Jack. To Carl. You don't belong in this.


Daniel: You questioned the type of man I am in print and to my face.
Emily: Sorry I questioned you. If I had a family, I'd do anything to protect them.

Emily: You can't do this. There could be consequences.
Jack: You didn't think about that when you lied to me for two years. So either I get to tell this truth or the other one. Your call.

No, Nolan! No technology! It'll get you into trouble. Oh, just once. Then I can stop. I can stop anytime. And if I can't stop, then I can write a program that will make me stop.


Patrick: Ever feel like you don't belong?
Nolan: Story of my life.

I'm sorry about last night, I was punishing someone and it ended up being you.


Well good for you, for taking care of yourself, recognizing your limits.


Once you've seen Oz, who wants to go back to Kansas?


Virginia: What a heartbreaker you are Dr. Haas.
Ethan: Don't you have that backwards?

In 4 months, we're going to have another visitor who needs everything done for him. Maybe we should look at this time with your mother as a dress rehearsal.


I am not paying you to babysit your own kids George Johnson!
