McCord: Is he always such a character.
Beckett: Yeah, that's one of the things that I love about him.

So then, apart from the fact that I'm dying, I'm fine.


I'm not letting you out of our engagement that easily.


This is gonna be a gas.


The FBI works for me now.


What if I were to tell you that all the things you come to believe about yourself are a lie.


Elizabeth: So you want to go to the party?
Raymond: I thought you'd never ask.

What is it with you and hotel rooms and pens in people's necks?


Abbie: Seven years of tribulation.
Ichabod: According to scripture.
Abbie: How long have we been doin' this so far?
Ichabod: Mmmm. I'm certain it will become easier once we become accustomed to... No. I'm too tired to lie.

It's my fault. You can come at me all you want. But I see you, and I am not afraid anymore!


You stopped having pow wows? I rather enjoyed those.


His honor Edmund Burke once said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." And we may all at time, stand idly when action is required.
