Okay, you can be my boyfriend. Don't get excited. It's annoying.


I think we should call Anderson Cooper.


It'll be nice to have the whole office there for a happy occasion and by happy occasion I mean Kim's maternity leave. She'll be gone for at least a month.


I would've thought a woman like yourself would've found pageants frivolous if not out right demeaning.


I'm looking for a baby daddy not a sugar daddy.


Ray: It's over Ezra. He's working with the FBI.
Ezra: I see. Well, we're gonna have to kill him.
Ray: It's not that simple. He's still my father.
Ezra: So. Who hates him more than we do?

Ezra: Hello Raymond.
Ray: How ya feeling?
Ezra: Happy to be alive darling.

I'll take 'em. Frances has got her car. We'll get 'em home. They'll be fine. But you gotta clam down. You gotta get outta here.


You might have had the balls to put me away kid, but shot me? I don't think so.


Think it would fit in any of them? Maybe if I just put in the first three inches. I'm just teasin.


Yo, there's a party and your parents aren't home.

Marvin Gaye

Ya gotta be a back door man baby, at least while we get to know each other. NBA stars gotta be careful.
