Maura: You slept with Raphael?
Jane: We didn't sleep, Maura.

I finally get promoted to detective and my boss hates Rizzolis. Thanks Jane.


The only time I wash my car is right before I sell it.


You. Have. Cancer.


I would have guessed 1508. What's your secret? Oil of Olay?


It's nice to know that even grumpy, jaded Arthur Nielsen can still be surprised by endless wonder.

Mrs. Frederick

Not so fast Emperor Palpatine!


Carlos: It wasn't injected or injected because there was no poison in her blood stream or stomach content. I know it wasn't inhaled because there was no fluid in her lungs, which leads only one conclusion...
Jim [interrupts] She rubbed on!
Carlos: Would it kill you to let me finish.

Carlos: Good news. Diana Cabara did not die from a subdural-hematoma. There was no blood in her skull.
Jim: How is that good news?
Carlos: It's good news because wit that ruled out I looked at other causes of Opisthotonos.
Jim: Oh that arched back thingy?
Carlos: Yeah turns out that Opisthotonos, that arch back thingy, is also a sign of poising, Strychnine to be exact.

Jim: I was under the impression Derby Girls fought all the time. Why was this one so special?
Daniel: Diana's not fighting someone on the other team. She's beating the crap the out of her own team mate.
Jim: The Cuban Missile, so much for family. Looks like trouble in paradise. Looks like Randy Dillard AKA Arthur Referelli found himself a new girlfriend, which means we've got ourselves a Cuba Missile Crisis.

Callie: We should be doing this in the office.
Darius: Oh? Would you feel more comfortable if I left this open?
Callie: No. I've seen a man's ass before.

Joss: Alex and I are jus friends.
Sally: If you believe that then you are dumber than you look.