Sarah: Another dating app? Why? You go to any bar, and there's a line around the block to buy you a drink.
April: Well, at least these guys know how to type...for the most part.

Nat: Girl presents with bronchospasm. I get this close to criching her. The moment her father leaves her side... [snaps] She catches her breath. Like magic.
Will: The kid's a budding Harry Potter.

Connor: This woman stabbed her husband in the right flank with a pair of scissors.
Ethan: Sounds like they could use a marriage counselor.

My ass is so damp it feels like it's growing moss.


Jo: I still cannot believe Jake shoots a load into a starlet and you are out shopping for her.
Abby: OK. Inappropriate!

Theo and Hayden, they found it. They were looking for Noah, but they found a symbol. A circle inside another circle, carved into a wall. The symbol of Scott's pack.


If I can't have a kid with a woman, then maybe I'll have one with my cousin.


My brother used to say to me that I was meant to fight. I believe you are cut from the same cloth, Jason. We will fix this, I promise you, but you can't let go. You must hold on.


I may have your entire life planned out on my computer. I made a spreadsheet and everything. I worked on it this morning.


You're my best friend in the whole world. We've been through a lot together so I just do feel like your sperm are partly my sperm.


You have no standing to veto, it's my sperm.


They're reaching into your skin wallet. Your scrotum.
