Isabel: If you deceive her or cause her harm in any way, you will be met with the wrath of her maiden. And I assure you, sir, your torture devices cannot match the pain I will bring.
Wilkin: Understood.

Cruz: Honesty, it goes both ways, right Captain?
Patterson: Of course.
Cruz: Then honestly tell me what are you doing to this house?
Patterson: Sometimes chain of command comes before everything else, Cruz. You're gonna have to get used to that.

Otis: What if there's an ear in there? Or a single bullet?
Cruz: What is wrong with you?
Otis: I'm talking about gang stuff. Ooh, a rattlesnake.
Cruz: What do you know about gangs, Otis?
Otis: I watched the Wire.

I'm just saying no one does his best work with cross-hairs on his back.


Mouch: My birthday is next month.
Otis: Congratulations?
Mouch: I'm just saying if someone wants to spring for Rush tickets for me.
Otis: How much?
Mouch: Eight hundred on Tix-o-lot.
Otis: I'll just get you a cake.

Dr. Daniel Charles: Who's young Rambo over there?
Sharon Goodwin: Hmm? Oh, that's Connor Rhodes the new trauma fellow.
Dr. Daniel Charles: He's gonna light up some estrogen receptors around here.
Maggie: I'll say. He lit mine.

Daisy: They're not trying to cure Inhumans, they're...
Bobbi: They're turning them.

Fitz: Do you love him?
Simmons: I don't know. I think... yes.
Fitz: Yeah, of course you do. He's strong and smart. And you gave each other hope on the edge of nowhere.
Simmons: Don't do this Fitz.
Fitz: You think I didn't look for dirt on him? I did, and there's nothing. I can't hate him, he's great. Why else would you fall for him? He did everything right.
Simmons: And you dove through a hole in the universe for me.

Gideon: The Von Strucker family vault does not exist.
Ward: Truthfully I'd believe you, if you hadn't sacrificed the only heir to it. You control the vault now, right? The vault is said to have HYDRA's greatest power. Why don't you and I put it to good use?

Coulson: I got to admit, handing out the containment as a cure; that's especially sinister.
Rosalind: No, I get weekly reports from... Malick.
Coulson: Excuse me?
Rosalind: Gideon Malick.
Coulson: I know the name; industrialist. He served on the World Council.
Rosalind: He's a friend. I worked with him more than a decade. He advises the President's staff. Helped design the ATCU. Oversees the science division. He gave me the T.A.H.I.T.I. intel.

Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it. So powerful, so fearsome, that others were consumed with dread and so they banished it from the Earth. Sent it through the portal to a distant planet. HYDRA was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return.


Well, there's something I don't often see -- Will Halstead looking stumped.

Dr. Natalie Manning