If I can't trust you, I can't be with you.


Rashid: What kind of...person drives people out of their homes, and...torture...and slaughters innocent people? Oh these -- these things that he does. What kind of person does these things?
Samira: I could. If Abu Omar...can open the palace gates so I can slit the throat of Jamal Al-Fayeed, then I will go with him.

Jamal: There are no sides anymore. The fighting is over.
Rami: Because you gassed Ma'an.
Jamal: It's complicated.

Daliyah: My son won't replace yours.
Barry: No, of course not. That's, um...That's way too big. But this is... This is small. This is something I can do.

I made my peace. It was my time. It's okay. Everyone has their time.


I don't think that they were ever going to eat you. I think that they wanted us to find you. I think that they wanted someone to spread their message...that they're no longer afraid of us. 


What do we do in the face of fear? Do we run, or do we strike back? This question resides in the most primal aspect of the brain, both humans ad animals alike; but it won't be long before the animals realize that they no longer need to flee. That they have the capacity and the capability to rule the planet. That they no longer need to fear mankind. It's not scared of me. It knows that all they need to do is fight, and they can take down the human race.

Robert Oz

You are thoroughly obsessed with Reiden Global, aren't you? I mean, in ways that go beyond, 'I hate corporations'. 


This entire town, this entire region exists because the people want to see the lions. 

Captain Kavimba

Those lions did what lions do, they acted...liony.


He tells me to leave when his own family doesn't even know he's alive, hiding in a place that isn't even his home.


I have given you everything, Jamal. But all you ever do is think about yourself. Jamal wants, and Jamal needs.
