Lindy: Testing. Testing. How do I look? Say whatever you want, it's not like I can hear you.
Tommy: Beautiful.

Connor: Killer or not, he is really hot.
Sophia: Well, he didn't slit our throats, that's a good start.

If he is the killer, he can't cut all our heads off... Just don't eat the food. Poison seems more his style.


I know how charming and handsome I am, but I really don't think your gentleman caller wants to hang with me.


Who just shows up with groceries? That is definitely weird.


I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say romancing a murderer is not a good idea.


Feel free to take a bow. You all just saved the world.


Agent Gallo Homeland security. Let this man hold your hand.


Jackson: I had no right to act the way I did earlier. You were just being honest with me and that is something I should've done with you from the very beginning. I love you, Hayley, just like I always have.
Hayley: Jack...
Jackson: No, let me say this. I know we're only doing this to fix all this stuff that we broke when we sold our souls for those damn rings, but I loved you before I knew you, and every moment that I spend with you, every single thing that I learn about you just makes me love you even more. I promise that we will turn this around for our pack. We will save our friends from whatever hell that we've dragged them into and that is the only thing that I can ask from you. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, Hayley Marshall, and forcing you to love me isn't going to be one of them. But I want to marry you, knowing everything that I know, and I hope to hell that you'll marry me.

Toby: I hate government.
Cabe: Then don't cash your federal paycheck.

Hayley: Daylight ring, moonlight ring. If I never hear the word ring again, it'll be too soon.
Jackson: Maybe just one more.

When we last left Michael and Nadine, they were in a exciting position. Not that one, you perv!
