So the Federal Government has armed a cyber terrorist with a digital equivalent of a nuclear warfare. Another fabulous example of your tax dollars at work.


The who-dun-it has already been solved.


Your powers make you very strong, but only your humanity can save us.


Every time you hurt, I hurt right along with you.


You have an enemy, but it is not me.

The Founder

Jedikiah: Love you even though you left me, Tim.
Tim: Thank you, Dr. Price.
Russell: Quit stroking each other.

Seeing as how this is my first suicide mission, no.

John; Are you ready for this? Stephen

Sophie: We were seconds away from being road kill. How are you so calm?
Cara: Practice

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A life for a life. What do you say?


Oh, I always have a plan, Stephen.


Beckett: If Hector's as dangerous as advertised this could get a little hairy.
Castle: Hairy's my middle name. That sounded a lot better in my head.

Castle: Speaking of your sister.
Gates: Let's not.