[Reading the letter sent to him.] Micah West, close your big, loud mouth or we will fill it with your blood and our bullets. Keep stirring up trouble in St. Jo and we will put you down like the filthy mutt you are.


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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 3: "Where My Body Stops or Begins"
Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Micah: I’m not judging you, Mom, I just don’t understand you sometimes.
Charley: So you believe everything you read?
Micah: No, but this book was written by somebody I trust. So…
Charley: Trust. So you don’t trust me.

Violet: I called her three times this morning.
Hollywood: She’s too scared to answer. Hell, I would be too.
Violet: Then she shouldn’t have put my life out there for the world.