Shelby: At the time, it made all the sense in the world. Humans respond to fear in two simple ways: fight or flight. There's no shame in getting the hell out of the way.

My brother married one jumpy bitch.

Lee [about Shelby]

Shelby never liked me. Which is fine, because I was never a huge fan of her's. Yoga is not a job.


I felt so guilty, because I couldn't tell Matt the truth -- I didn't want to live there.


Matt: We need protection!
Policeman: Get a gun.
Matt: What?!

It felt like it was meant to be. Like the universe just wanted us to be there at that moment. I also thought, "There's no way we can afford that house."


They told us that it had been built in 1792. It was in great shape.


Our friends used to tease us that they didn't like socializing with Matt and I because we were too perfect. They'd get in fights on the way home from dinner with us because we made them feel like they weren't as in love as Matt and I were.


I know what I saw! It wasn't ice. There were human teeth, falling everywhere!


You think, today, prejudice is not going to rear its ugly head. But this is the South.
