So where's my room? In the coach house?


Joan: I can't believe our son brought that into our house.
Roland: Really?
Joan: He traded his desserts for it.
Roland: Enterprising.

Yeah, it's because Hayes is a sonofabitch who comes down wrongly on anybody who accuses him.


No babe, he had it down. I'm talking details; anatomy, protection, STDs. Even a few positions.


I messed up, but it's not like I'm on crack or something. Shouldn't the punishment fit the crime?


Well maybe you should have thought about that before you dropped your pants for your hot little Penny.


I also grind my teeth at night and have a crooked toe.


Bottom line is, ain't nobody gettin' what you got but me!


General Frank Sherwood. I like the sound of that.


I wanna call him Drew. It means courageous.


It was her place, her condom. It's not my fault if it didn't work!


Look, my husband's responsible for this, we can work it out. The important this is to take care of that baby, right?


Army Wives Quotes

Give me everything you've got, baby doll, or you're gonna be looking at me from the floor.


Michael Holden: Claudia Joy Holden, after 17 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat every time I look at you.
Claudia Joy Holden: Michael James Holden, after 17 years of marriage I can't believe that tired old line of yours still works.

Army Wives Music

  Song Artist
Tangled Up Gareth Dunlop iTunes
Song Pulling on a Line The Great Lake Swimmers iTunes
Bright Morning Stars Abigail Washburn iTunes