The people who are really your friends? They're not gonna care about your HIV, they're gonna love you for who you are, just like we do.


Your mother and I talked about it, and we don't want you to have another day like today. Ever.


That woman is a bitch on wheels. You should tell your soldier he'd be better off without her.


Denise: What the hell Claudia Joy?
Claudia Joy: What? I thought you wanted my opinion?
Denise: Yes, but Jackie was very clear about a few things.
Claudia Joy: Then why do you need me?
Denise: I'm beginning to wonder.

Well I'm not gonna just sit here and let them attack our kid.


Pull your pants up man. Don't nobody want to look at your underwear. We are young men of character, remember? Thank you!


Claudia Joy, I'm starting to get a little tired of all the negativity aimed at the Clarks. You need to let it go. I mean it.


You'll always be the same Roxy underneath. Nothing can change that, thank God.

Claudia Joy

Country club clothes. Boring little Stepford Wives all in a row. Yeah, that's not me Denise.


Joan: Well, I'm holding a town hall meeting tomorrow night showing everyone I'm willing to listen and respond to their concerns. What do you think?
Roland: Bring your Kevlar.

A guy can't keep it together at home, how's he supposed to lead on the field?


I've been feeling guilty about spending so much time with Jackie lately. I got the strangest vibe from Claudia Joy today.


Army Wives Quotes

Give me everything you've got, baby doll, or you're gonna be looking at me from the floor.


Michael Holden: Claudia Joy Holden, after 17 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat every time I look at you.
Claudia Joy Holden: Michael James Holden, after 17 years of marriage I can't believe that tired old line of yours still works.

Army Wives Music

  Song Artist
Tangled Up Gareth Dunlop iTunes
Song Pulling on a Line The Great Lake Swimmers iTunes
Bright Morning Stars Abigail Washburn iTunes