My only encounter with drugs was with a pot brownie my freshman year. By mistake! Which could have been fun, except I'm allergic to nuts.


This started with the three of us. It's time we got back to that.


Oliver: She reminds me so much of me when I first came home, when it seemed so hard to believe in anything even resembling hope.
Felicity: But you did, you did. Eventually. Sara will, too.

Donna: Hey! Hey, you want to wave that gun at me, fine, but don't you dare threaten my daughter.
Cooper: Here I thought you were all nails and hair.
Donna: Try single mom who worked 60 hour weeks in six inch heels to raise that genius child you see right there. I may not understand all this cyber whatever, but I know about that gun. You wouldn't last ten seconds against my girl.

Sebastian: How do you know I've been working with Slade Wilson?
Oliver: Because I'm the Arrow.

Whatever you do, don't let him train you. [to Oliver] I'm sorry, but when it rains, I can still feel where you shot me with those arrows.

Barry [to Kendra]

Living in Star City requires a special kind of tenacity. A sane person wouldn't live here.


You and me, kid, like old times.


Laurel: I was gonna give up being the Black Canary, but I realized I didn't know how I could because going out there and fighting alongside you guys, that's what makes me feel alive inside. And I love you guys so much.
Felicity: We love you.
Thea: We love you.
Diggle: We love you.

His last name is Blood, that can't be a good sign.


Oliver. Oh. Wow. Everything about you just became so unbelievably clear.


I never said I didn't know HOW to use a gun.


Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
