When I didn't feel lost, I felt free.

about the island}

Maybe you should start acting like my mother so I don't have to act like yours.

Thea [to Moira]

Oliver: John, I don't want to die down here.
Diggle: So don't, Oliver.

I'm thinking prison, Burning Man meets Shawshank Redemption. The invite says "come before Oliver Queen gets off."


Oliver: Are you OK?
Felicity: I guess. Old lovers have a way of opening old wounds. Lovers. Sounds creepy no matter how you say it.
Oliver: Felicity, I want you to know that whatever experiences you had to go through, I'm glad that you did to shape the person that you are today. And you know how I feel about her.

I don't fight the street crime. That's a symptom of what's wrong with this city, I'm trying to cure the disease.


Well, I told a guy the truth and he got struck by lightening. To be fair, it probably won't happen again. Statistically.


Oliver: Don't ask me to say I don't love you.
Felicity: I told you as soon as I talked it would be over.

The last time the vigilante paid your mom a visit you got shot and I got to play doctor with you. Oh - my brain thinks of the worst way to say things.


You're going to be really upset when you meet my partner.


Diggle: What did you want?
Felicity: Is that any way to treat a girl who just walked up six flight of stairs?
Diggle: No, it's not. Welcome.

Diggle: I see you brought your plus one.
Ray: Nice to meet you. Ray Palmer.
Diggle: John Diggle. [whispering into Ray's ear] You hurt her, they'll never find your body. [louder] Nice to meet you!

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
