Who stays mad at a castaway?


He doesn't kill for justice, which makes him as dangerous as anyone on my list.


Oliver: She's testing you.
Moira: Yes, and who'd she learn that from?

Cops brought her home. She and some friends broke into a store, tried on some dresses last night, lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree.

Diggle [about Thea]

Our family's wealth had been built on the suffering of others.


Oliver: This guy gets more airtime on the Kardashians.
Thea: Five years on an island and you still know who they are.

My best friend is getting legally resurrected. I wouldn't miss this for the world.


Oliver just got back from five years on an unchartered island. Before that he was cheating on me with my sister.


You know five years ago your irresponsibility was somewhat charming. It is a lot less so now.


Home is a battlefield.

John Diggle

Before the island I was a jerk, but now I'm just a damaged jerk.


You know what Oliver? You're wrong that island did change you. At least now you're honest.


Arrow Season 1 Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
