Emma: [holding a whip] What line of work is this woman in?
Norma: I think it's obvious.

Norma: Why did you say was?
Norman: Was what?
Norma: You said she 'was' a nice woman and troubled.
Norman: Stop it, Mother.

I don't know why, but unhinged women seem drawn to you.


Norma: You can't keep getting into cars with questionable women.
Norman: Questionable?
Norma: Slutty. Oversexed. Crazy.

It's not normal!!


OK. So let me get this straight. You both worked in the drug business and now you're shocked that the DEA showed up?


Norma: I love you, Norman!
Norman: I know. [slams door]

  • Permalink: I know.
  • Added:

Oh and by the way? My mother died. Here's your lunch.


Dylan: Norman's 18. He should not be sleeping in the same bed as his mom.
Norma: You're overreacting. He just fell asleep. It's not a big deal.

Bates Motel Season 3 Quotes

Oh and by the way? My mother died. Here's your lunch.


Dylan: Norman's 18. He should not be sleeping in the same bed as his mom.
Norma: You're overreacting. He just fell asleep. It's not a big deal.