Daniel: What do you make of Lena:
Hector: Nazi in diapers. Why?

Robert: Nope. It still just says it's searching. Fuckin' thing's broken.
April: Put the numbers into your phone and then press join.
Robert: I did.
April: You need me to walk you through it?
Robert: No.
April: Again?
Robert: No. My generation invented this technology. Yours gets to play with it.

Daniel: My name's Daniel Miller. I work for the CIA.
Otto: So I've been fucked over by you. By her. By everyone.
Daniel: Whatever she promised you, whatever deal the you two of you struck, it is done. 'Cause I know we get outta this.

Valerie: You already have a speech written don't you?
Joseph: She brought this upon herself. It's the end of her; it's not the end of the PFD.

Look. She just bought herself another 5% of the polls.


Look, I'm not going to pretend I know you, Otto, but I see differences between you and her. And it's not about respect, it's about loyalty. You're loyal to your beliefs, your people, your family. And what she did to you? You would never do that to her. Testify against her. You can cut your prison time in half.


April: Why doesn't Daniel do something?
Robert: He doesn't want to get himself fuckin' blown up.

Daniel: Thanks for that. I know you took a risk.
Hector: I still don't have what I came for.
Daniel: But you do have a bargaining chip.
Hector: If they know I've got her, they'll have an incentive to give me what I'm owed.

Stop trying to play the good guy. You don't do it nearly as good as you think.


It's OK to feel something, Lena. It doesn't make you any less devoted to the cause.


Daniel: Your father doesn't teach you? He keeps a weapon but doesn't teach you how to use it. He plans an attack but doesn't let you in on the target. Your father doesn't trust you.
Lena: You don't know what you're talking about.

Lena: Look, I know it's fucked up that he didn't tell me, but my father needs me!
Daniel: What about you? What do you need, huh?
Lena: A way out of here, I guess.

Berlin Station Quotes

Who says there are no friends in espionage?


Daniel: Esther, he's naked.
Esther: Yeah, they all were.
Daniel: Don't you think that's a little weird?