Margene: Nicki, can I tell you a secret?
Nicki: If you must

Working is good for my self esteem.


I truly believe this church will be like Bono to the starving people.


I know this place will feel like home, even if they don't know where there home is.


(to Lois)I told you I'd be here just as quick as a cricket.


I will keep you both posted if and when anything develops.


Don't pretend you are a friend of Juniper Creek - you are a Judas.


(about Nikki) I couldn't stop her father, she bit me.

Alby's wife

My destiny has been fulfilled and God shall punish anyone who blocks my glory.


Will you stop talking to him (dead Roman) - it frightens me.

Alby's wife

What the f#$* is up with all these birds, Lois?


Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.