You've been screwing up since we got started and I'm not letting either one of us get killed because you're too close to this.


Lansing: I'm Detective Lansing. I just moved over from Internal Affairs.
Danny: Congratulations on getting sprung.

Halloween is when the evil come home to play.


Henry: Are we still friends?
Colleen: From the first day we met.

Thanks but I think I'll stick to warm milk and whiskey.


I'm thankful for all the ordinary citizens who have come up to me on the beat over the past year and thanked me for my service All two of them. Also bullet proof vests.


Garrett: Dog bites boy. Reagan checks in on dog. What's wrong with this picture?
Frank: Oh.

Don't even try testing my knowledge of high end shoes.


If I was smart I wouldn't be doing this.


Danny: What about Miley? Is there anyone that would want to hurt her?
Elana: Everybody.

I need someone I can trust and someone who is capable. I'm not asking. It's an order.


Linda: I live in a man cave you know.
Erin: I could use a little more of that. The man, not the cave.