There is something wrong. There is something very wrong with the fact that every time that this family sits down for dinner we have to talk about crime and criminals. Couldn't we just for once just, you know, sit together and have a normal family dinner.


Garrett: A three percent raise?
Frank: Hey, we're city employees, what did you expect?

I know the def con level by the look on your face.


Garrett: They just wanted you to attend their awards dinner next week.
Frank: Dreams die hard.

Danny: Can't save everyone.
Jamie: We can try.

Sgt. Delgado: Well, I never forgot the advice of my training officer, Lt. Gormley. Never bitch about a problem without pitching a solution.
Frank: He does have a way with words.

Garrett: With all due respect, you're being incredibly unreasonable.
Frank: It's part of my gruff charm.

Yeah, we're off duty right now. Like Clark Kent before he ducks into the phone booth.


Make sure that he keeps his gun at home.


Henry: Now that is some big bird.
Linda: I think it weighs more than Sean.

You're running a sting and your lead actor jumps off a building, I call that bad.


If it bleeds it leads and if it's blonde and pretty and jumps from a penthouse it really leads.
