Baez: Reagan, you gotta get your head out of all this Mickey stuff.
Danny: There was a time when I thought of him as the fourth Reagan boy.
Baez: And now?
Danny: And now I just count him out.

Anthony: Didn't you ever hear patience is a virtue?
Erin: I like action. I like results.
Anthony: You like action and results and you're running for DA?

Danny: You came back East for a fresh start?
Mickey: That's right.
Danny: So why did Olana have the number of a guy like Bernie Mendez?

Frank: The police were called to your home for eight domestic incidents, is that right?
Woman: At least eight.
Frank: Do you have any idea why your husband never got any more than a slap on the wrist?
Woman: Isn't that for you to tell me?

Frank: So she stabs her husband and the first thing she does is run up the street to the police station?
Garrett: I know it's unusual, but it's not our place to do anything about this.
Frank: I know I can't fix the whole system, Garrett, but what I can do is make sure our part of it does not fail her again.

Sid: Looks like this fell through the cracks.
Abigail: Talk about an understatement.
Sid: She had an order of protection back in January, too.
Frank: So the crack it fell through was paved over.

Mickey: You're hiding something.
Danny: Forgive my companion. He doesn't like his teeth very much and is hoping someone will knock them out.

Mickey: Danny, please. I know you're thinking, same old Mickey. But I'm really worried about her.
Danny: 4 o'clock. I'll pick you up.
Mickey: Thank you so much.
Danny: I haven't done anything yet.

Cop: Ma'am, are you all right?
Woman: I just killed my husband.

Danny: Any advice from you?
Frank: Just be yourself. And lie about how crazy your family is.

Danny: Laura was there for me when Linda died. That's all there was to it.
Frank: You know, you, me, and Pop are the same in a lot of ways and we've tried to make a lot of things stick. One thing we all have in common is that we all lost our wives way too soon. Me and Pop, we've made our peace with it. But you were a lot younger than us. Maybe don't follow in our footsteps in that way.

Erin: Clay's playing us against each other.
Crawford: Be that as it may, no more talking about it in public or we will sink both of our chances of ever getting elected.
Erin: So now what? Is it may the best woman win or are we going to work together and get justice for Devon?