He said jump, you said on who?


Well, Nicki. I think this family has put in more than enough service to earn one bleeding heart do-gooder.


You're going to have a tough time making a living assuming the best in people.


Nobody's idea of what is right is everybody's idea of what is right.


Anybody who knows any of your kids, how they turned out, they'd wish they could have talked to you when they were raising their own.


You have no right to judge me for what I do or try to do for helping my boy.


You have a gun pointed at my face, of course I’m not going to try anything.


Eddie: This was a really bad guy, so why do I feel so guilty?
Jamie: Because you're a good guy.

I killed a guy before he killed me. I don't want a damn medal.


WITSEC's not an ATM. You can't make deposits and withdrawals whenever you feel like it.

Marshall Morgan

Frank: That went well.
Mayor Poole: What went well?
Frank: The difficult transition from talking about me to talking about me in front of me.

Garrett: I could be wrong.
Frank: Have you ever said that and actually meant it?
Garrett: No.

Blue Bloods Season 5 Quotes

Frank: You have no idea what goes into those press conferences.
Sgt. Gormley: Well, I know what doesn't. The truth.

What was missing was you putting it in perspective for the media vultures out there looking for any opportunity to tear down cops.

Sgt. Gormley