Danny: We don't go to bed angry in this house LInda.
Linda: Tonight we do.

Garrett: When you and Donald Stein part after a meeting, who kisses whose ring?
Frank: Neither, it is a bear hug and a my best to your family.

A good lawyer can do three things at once.


We're going down in flames, we might as well finish what we started.


We work together, we catch hell together.


The only one who can keep you safe is you.


Nicky: A lot of people don't trust cops. It's a fact.
Henry: Let them try living without us for a week.

In my experience, in these situations Officer Taylor is blue.

Sgt. Gormley

Danny: Not too smart.
Lt. Carver: We don't catch the smart ones.

Nothing scientific but I'd be willing to bet my precinct shows record high pot collars this week.


Danny: The only Rottweiler causing me any pain is my new CO.
Frank: Carver's a good cop.
Danny: Carver is a ball buster.
Frank: Carver is a good, tough cop. District Attorney McCoy is a ball buster.

Garrett: Just for the record, you've done hundreds of interviews, Frank. I'd think by now you'd know how to hold your tongue.
Frank: I'm doing that right now.

Blue Bloods Season 5 Quotes

Frank: You have no idea what goes into those press conferences.
Sgt. Gormley: Well, I know what doesn't. The truth.

What was missing was you putting it in perspective for the media vultures out there looking for any opportunity to tear down cops.

Sgt. Gormley