Your crimes against grammar are the first ones I'm going to fight in this unit.

Lt. Carver

The brass ring in a career isn't the number of zeros on your paycheck. It's when you become indispensable and you are.


Mom, I'm a Reagan. Something good happens that just means something bad is right around the corner.


I've seen my share of sleazy defense lawyers but you've over achieved once again.


If he even dreams about beating a Reagan he better wake up and apologize.


Hey, what's with all the dancing? This ain't no disco.


I know he's suppose to be some kind of scary monster but only a punk would hit a man from behind.

John Coogan

Erin: Do you think I'm too old to sell my body?
Danny: No, not to science anyway.

Come on, we can't let those smoke eaters have bragging rights.


For the record, this whole being partnered with a marked man thing isn't quite living up to the hype.


Five years in and I'm still trying to crack the code regarding the offspring.


Baez: He give you anything?
Danny: Yeah, a stubborn attitude.
Baez: A Reagan. I'm shocked

Blue Bloods Season 5 Quotes

Frank: You have no idea what goes into those press conferences.
Sgt. Gormley: Well, I know what doesn't. The truth.

What was missing was you putting it in perspective for the media vultures out there looking for any opportunity to tear down cops.

Sgt. Gormley