While I do love kissing you Beckett, it's just a little creepy when you do it in front of a dead body. It's inappropriate.

I didn't open this place to make money. I opened it for the exciting cases.

Alexis: I can't leave you alone for five minutes.
Castle: Does this mean no hug?

I am so sick of people pushing me away for my safety.

Castle: This novel writes itself.
Ryan: Then tell us what happens next.
Castle: I have no idea. That's what makes it so good.

You know Beckett asked for some time so I'm just giving it to her every day. Sometime twice.

This is why I love the 12th precinct. You guys never let me down.


Kate: Now Rick, be charming but not too charming.
Rick: That's like asking Superman not to be too super.

I believe her exact words were, “Sure, maybe we'll get lucky and Castle will get shot.”


You want to know what hurts the most? You could have come to me with everything. Broken us up just like you did only it would have been a cover and together, in secret we could have taken this guy down but that thought never even occurred to you because deep down inside you like being broken and you need this obsession and no matter what I do I can't change that, only you can, Kate.

It's all come crashing down around my ears and I've got no one to blame but myself.


Castle: The fact that you even think that breaks my heart. I would walk into a tornado for you, Kate.
Beckett: And I would die if I lost you.

Castle Season 8 Quotes

Kate: I wish that you were coming with me.
Rick: What am I going to do, sit outside your office and fetch you coffee?
Kate: Yeah, you're great at fetching. I've trained you well.

Kate: Babe, did you set your hair on fire again?
Rick: No, that was just one time. It's just that I'm so good looking I'm literally smoking hot.