Sharon: Well somebody paid. Was it you, Sam?
Abrams: My kid starts Sarah Lawrence in the fall. Not a chance in hell I cut a check that size to solve your problem.

Connor: Nice work. I guess that Navy training wasn't a waste after all.
Choi: That's how we do it on the battlefield.
Connor: Well, if it hadn't worked, I would've blamed you anyway.
Choi [smiling]: I know.

In any case, the problem's been resolved, and we can get back to business, saving lives, making money.


Connor: Hey, Robyn, what's, uh, what's going on?
Robyn: What's going on is might be an epidemic of Valley Fever breaking out and no one seems to care.
Sharon: Let me remind you, Ms. Charles, in case the air is too thin to breathe atop that soap box, that you are an epidemiologist and *I* am the one responsible for running this hospital.

Abrams [giving a consult]: It could be anything from a basal ganglia disorder to normal aging. It's impossible to tell without a head CT or an MRI.
Will: You know, maybe, if you just examine her yourself--
Abrams: Do I need to explain the definition of the word impossible to you? I'm a neurosurgeon, not a magician.

April: You look worried.
Nat: I do? That's not good. Just...I lost so many kids to cancer this year, that every time one comes in now, with the same symptoms, I just -- I can't help but feel the fear rising in me and it's all I can do to control it so that I don't scare the family.

How'd you expect her to react? This city is filthy with hospitals, but you decided to come here. To do what? To rub it in Sharon's face?

Maggie [to Bert]

First you shoot me, then you bring me to a place from the dark ages. You really suck, Marius!

Jason [after being told he'll be catheterized]

Choi: Don't worry, we'll drape off this area before we insert the Foley.
Jason: What do you mean, "insert the Foley?"
Noah [brightly, holding up Foley catheter kit]: Oh, this goes up your urethra.

Sarah: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Joey: Yeah.
Sarah: [incredulous pause] You know, Joey, you and I don't communicate very well.

[When Will wants to run more tests on Lyla]
Maggie: I hope this is not another one of your wild goose chases.
Will: What's that supposed to mean?
Maggie: It means keeping Bert in the E.D. is the opposite of what Goodwin needs right now.
Will: Well, this is a hospital Maggie. I know I don't need to remind you of whose needs come first.
Maggie: You want new labs? Fine. We're doing paper today. How 'bout filling these out? [hands Will forms in triplicate]

Could've been worse. Could've been a blonde.

Maggie [about Bert's new girlfriend]

Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Connor: Yeah, I'm sorry, but the note says that if we pay them 30 bitcoins, they'll give us a decryption key. So...
Sharon: It's hospital policy not to engage with extortionists.
Connor: So we're going to fly blind, with one arm tied behind our back? It seems a little shortsighted. I mean, it's what, thirty, forty thousand dollars? That seems like nothing.
Will [muttering]: Says the guy with the trust fund.

Sarah: So, we have no access to anyone's medical records? How -- how do
Sharon: Well, there was a time not so long ago when we actually treated patients without the aid of computers. Imagine that. Tell them, Dr. Charles.
Daniel [as Maggie tries to take his tablet]: Can I keep it if I promise not to use it?