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Sharon has the day from hell when not only is the hospital "held hostage" by hackers but Burt shows up in the ER with his new girlfriend. Maggie proves herself to be an excellent friend by carrying Sharon's grudge for her, and she also goes after Will when he digs deeper into Lyla's symptoms, which means Burt will be hanging around longer than expected. Eventually Lyla reveals her condition to Will, and tells Sharon about her Parkinson's like disease. It's unclear if she tell's Burt, although Sharon urges her to. The ransom ends up getting paid, but Sharon can't figure out who did it. She questions Peter, Daniel, Sam, and Connor, but they all deny paying. At the end of the episode, after Sharon mentions to Charles that she doesn't even care who paid it at this point, Latham admits to his surgical team that he ponied up the $30k.

Choi takes the loss of modern diagnostic tools in stride, and coaches Noah in treating a gunshot would without networked tech. Noah develops a terrible case of hero worship.

Sarah worries that Dr. Charles wants her to leave the psych program when he mentions the opening in the ED and subsequently pays her little attention. She confronts him about it, insisting that she won't give up psych.

Robyn seems off her game, and blames her short temperedness on lack of sleep because of rats at her apartment. Connor invites her to stay with him until the exterminator comes. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he finds Robyn listening to walls in his living room, insisting that he has rats too.

Nat treats a young boy, but diagnosing him is complicated by lack of technology. She worries it's cancer, and admits that she's been having anxiety over cancer diagnosis after losing a few patients in the past year. The child turns out to be infected with a rare fungal infection that he picked up from the family's new car. 

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Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Connor: Yeah, I'm sorry, but the note says that if we pay them 30 bitcoins, they'll give us a decryption key. So...
Sharon: It's hospital policy not to engage with extortionists.
Connor: So we're going to fly blind, with one arm tied behind our back? It seems a little shortsighted. I mean, it's what, thirty, forty thousand dollars? That seems like nothing.
Will [muttering]: Says the guy with the trust fund.

Sarah: So, we have no access to anyone's medical records? How -- how do we...do...stuff?
Sharon: Well, there was a time not so long ago when we actually treated patients without the aid of computers. Imagine that. Tell them, Dr. Charles.
Daniel [as Maggie tries to take his tablet]: Can I keep it if I promise not to use it?