Chuck: I'm sorry, but is Harry wearing a new assistant manager polo shirt?
Morgan: It's monogrammed.
Chuck: He must be stopped

Morgan: Harry Tang is drunk with power.
Anna: He could have an accident. I'm just saying I know a guy, very reasonable. His rates, I mean...
Morgan: Anna, thinking outside the box, me likey! Chuck, what do you think?
Chuck: Are you guys serious? I'm not gonna have a guy rubbed out because he upsets our lunch schedule!

Casey: Just got a hit of a traffic camera in Hollywood. [shows Chuck picture]
Chuck: That's Fleming.
Casey: Thanks. You've just saved me a lot of investigative work there, intersect. DMV told me that.
Chuck: Wow, sarcasm. What a surprise

Chuck: You stole my ID?
Casey: I borrowed it to reactivate it. Sorry I couldn't wipe the idiot grin off your face with photoshop

Chuck Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Chuck: You stole my ID?
Casey: I borrowed it to reactivate it. Sorry I couldn't wipe the idiot grin off your face with photoshop

Casey: Just got a hit of a traffic camera in Hollywood. [shows Chuck picture]
Chuck: That's Fleming.
Casey: Thanks. You've just saved me a lot of investigative work there, intersect. DMV told me that.
Chuck: Wow, sarcasm. What a surprise