Once a partner betrays you there are only two choices. Buy them out or shut them down.


When I watch your show, I'm ashamed for you and for all your viewers. No awareness, no analysis, just reactionary opinions.


Travis: You're not that guy inspector. You're not getting the gun, you're not saving the day.
Dillon: You're pretty confident of that, aren't you?
Travis: I am.

Alec: Oh come one. You'll find another tech savvy kid to profit by. We both know that I'm not unique.
Kellog: Are you kidding me? You're the damn architect of the future.

Continuum Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Alec: Oh come one. You'll find another tech savvy kid to profit by. We both know that I'm not unique.
Kellog: Are you kidding me? You're the damn architect of the future.

Travis: You're not that guy inspector. You're not getting the gun, you're not saving the day.
Dillon: You're pretty confident of that, aren't you?
Travis: I am.