'My dark secrets are life threatening. Pockets of unhappiness set in aspic that build and build.' -- Sue Townsend


JJ: Whoever did this will be brought to justice.
Chief Gaines: You'd better get to him before I do.

Rossi: You do know you're enabling her.
Chief Gaines: And because of that, I've gotten very good at keeping secrets.

I know there's a huge drug problem in the U.S. But it's so different when it's my mom.

Dana [to Reid]

Alves: Are you ears burning?
Garcia: My ears are the same temperature as the rest of me, hot.

If we live in the land of the free, why are so many people numbing themselves?


"I think it's the human spirit inside all of us that gives us an enormous capacity to survive." -- Amanda Lindhout


Criminal Minds Season 13 Episode 11 Quotes

JJ: Whoever did this will be brought to justice.
Chief Gaines: You'd better get to him before I do.

'My dark secrets are life threatening. Pockets of unhappiness set in aspic that build and build.' -- Sue Townsend