Shaw: Do I know you?
Alvez: No, but I know you.

Life, of course, never gets anyone's entire attention. Death always remains interesting. -- Janet Malcolm


Alvez: We will keep Reid safe. We will find a way to get him through this.
Garcia: That's what I told him. But he looked at me like he didn't believe it.

Hope is being able to see there is light in spite of the darkness. -- Desmond Tutu


Oh, new guy. You're just so good. Your deep baritone voice comforts me.

Garcia [to Walker]

In here, we're all psychopaths, because we have to be.

Shaw [to Reid]

He [Danny] was sometimes inappropriate, like he had no filter.

Miranda [to Alvez]

He {Reid] can't stay in there. We've got to get him out.

JJ [to Garcia]

Alvez: Thanks, Garcia. You really are the best ...
Garcia: Ahh!
Alvez: available!

You can't blame yourself for any of this. You did the right thing, coming to the police when you did.

Rossi [to Miranda]

Hey, stay strong.

JJ [to Reid]

To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other. -- Martin Luther
