JJ: I was scared.
Rossi: Yeah I was too.

Cruz: That's a massive body count. What the hell are they protecting?
Hotch: A way of life. Corruption like this can make a lot of people a lot of money.

One of the best days of my career turned out to be one of the worst. July 16, 1983. A child abduction turned murder. The guy we nabbed killed five boys. They were cases we had already tracked. It was such a victory, knowing that we'd stopped him from hurting anyone else. When I got home, my bags were packed. Carolyn had had enough. I had forgotten our anniversary again, as well as all the other things that didn't seem important because saving lives trumped everything. So I let ours die. It's a great balance in a life. It finds a way to knock your legs away


Blake: Are they really going to shoot federal agents?
Rossi: They're cops who'd rather die than get locked up. They're desperate. She's coming to you. Have you got one in the chamber?
Blake: Yup.
Rossi: Let's roll.

JJ: Let go of me.
Hotch: Unless you want to be arrested for obstruction of a federal investigation, let her go.

Garcia: What is this ringing? My ears don't pop for like a week after I fly. And if this is like that, that's going to drive me bonkers. Am I yelling? Because it feels like I might be yelling.
Reid: You saved my life. Can you hear me?
Garcia: Yeah, I heard that. That makes it better. Thank you for saying that.
Reid: Thank you for doing it.
Garcia: Uh huh. Okay. You're okay.

Reid: Have you ever had that feeling that you're future's somehow behind you?
Blake: All the time.
Reid: I did too. But it isn't.
Blake: Ethan would have been a lot like you.
Reid: Thank you for being there when I woke up. It meant a lot.
Blake: Of course.
Reid: Bye, Alex.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us - Joseph Campbell


Next time you tell your whores to keep their mouths shut.


I tell you what, those Canadians, they seem so sweet and innocent but when they go bad they go Darth Vader bad.


Hotch: It has been so long since I heard from you I wasn't sure you were getting my reports.
Cruz: I was putting out fires in the Bureau. Domestic terrorism needs my full attention. But when it comes to you guys - why mess with success?

Cruz: Would you mind?
Garcia: Thank Jesus, Buddha and Allah. I like to cover my bases. You have to squeeze it.