Don't you dare go meet that piece of... don't meet him anywhere! He's insane, he's just like his dad, he's dangerous!


No what the hell am I supposed to do? And where the hell is Andre?


Maggie, I'm not afraid of many things, but I thought if I told you I might lose you.


Man, there's no way I'm gonna change your mind, is there? Cause you don't have a clue what you want. Fair warning, Belle. Until you figure that out, you're never going to be happy.


From that do-gooder scheme that's the brain child of, and I'm using the word brain advisedly, of those two airheads who could barely run a hair dryer together.


Stefano Dimera may be dead, but evil has a particular stench and it doesn't matter who's it coming off.


I don't care what happens to me, Hope.


Jennifer: You put in in your shoe for good luck, but I know you and Chad won't need it. He's going to make you happy. That's all I ever wanted for you from the day you were born: to be happy.

First the ground rules. Nobody mention Ben Weston.


You're a monster just like your father. I wish you'd never come into our lives.


That drug I took must have been a hallucinogenic. I thought I heard you say you were my father.


What I did today can never make up for what I did before, for abandoning my family. But Gabi, there were circumstances beyond my control. I was so messed up and so lost. I was completely lost for so long, and I owe you whatever I can do to try to make up for it. I missed you guys. I missed being with my family. I wanted you back even though I know I don't deserve you.
