Sami: Shawn slept with Jan Spears?
Belle: The Devil made him think she was me.
Sami: I wish I had that excuse with EJ.
Belle: Really, Sami? This isn't funny. You were the one who brought Jan Spears back to town last time.
Sami: Nicole was trying to steal my granddaughter from me! What was I supposed to do?
John: No, no, no! We will not have a house divided in here.

EJ: I am so sorry that Johnny upset you.
Sami: Johnny was right. We fight and we lie and cheat and hurt each other. Johnny's young and in love and I don't want to see him get hurt.
EJ: That is why we have to stop this before it can go any further.
Sami: I know. But threatening to cut him off doesn't help. It just makes him dig his heels in twice as much.
EJ: Like when he was a little boy and I took away his favorite toy. But Johnny is not a child any longer. He is a young man and he needs to learn some hard truths.
Sami: Yeah. Like getting married and being crazy in love, he thinks it's forever. But we both know that it's not.

Johnny: I know about Chanel's past. And I also know that we are 100% committed to each other.
Paulina: You sure about that? [to Chanel] Can you really be committed to Allie's brother when it wasn't that long ago you were kissing Allie?

Jason: Who the hell are you?
Belle: I'm Belle Brady. You kidnapped my sister and I'm going to make you pay.
Jason: I did you a favor. That bitch is a pain in the ass and I stopped you from having to put up with her.

I think the Big Dude upstairs is gonna come through. Cause He's got a special birthday coming up soon. This is the season of miracles.


We showed Satan that the power of love is stronger than it is and it cannot ruin Christmas.


Julie: Why are you here?
MarDevil: I've come for my present.

Xander: Is there something I can do for you?
Leo: I want to answer that in so many ways.

Allie: It’s Christmas, you’re supposed to get gifts for other people.
Chanel: Okay, but isn’t loving yourself the greatest gift of all.

EJ: I'll have new divorce papers drawn up.
Sami: Good. More stuff to throw in the trash. Speaking of trash... Goodbye, Nicole.

Allie: If my husband slept with another woman, I'd leave him.
Lucas: Good. That's what I'd want you to do. But your mom is wired differently, especially when it comes to EJ. This is just going to make her more determined to get him back.

Belle: You need this pillow to support your head.
John: I have something to support my head. It's called my neck.