Few burdens are heavy is everyone lifts.


You’re not my daughter, ever since you were shot. I never read Alice in Wonderland to you. A mother knows her child. You’re not the same Janey, but you’re still my Janey. And in ways I never imagined, I love you. Whoever you are.

Elaine [to Jane]

You know what? The cool thing about me being a lawyer means there's always something else I can do.


He was pale, disheveled, exhausted. I don't think he'd slept. If you ask me, it looked like he'd seen a ghost.

Owen [about Grayson]

This is an awesome idea. I just watched "Legally Blonde." Do you think we should do a bend and snap before we walk in?


I suppose because you wanna talk with me I should wanna talk with you?

Grayson [to Jane]

About those allergies, I have decongestants in my bag. I also have Xanax if that's what you really need.

Belinda [to Grayson]

There's a lot of injustice in the world and you need to adjust it.

Staci [to Jane]

Owen always gets self important when it comes to his judging, but you know this shouldn't be about his ego, it's about injustice.


I didn't tell you the truth because I didn't think you could love me like this.


I know you and the intensity of your belief made me think twice.


Grayson: You really thought I was so shallow that I wouldn't love you in another body? I would've walked through fire to get you back, in any shape or form because I loved you so damn much. Did you really not know that?
Jane: I never thought of it that way.
Grayson: I think it was easier for you to see me in pain than risk rejection. You underestimated me. You underestimated us.

Drop Dead Diva Quotes

I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

I haven't stopped thinking about Jane since she left for Italy.
