When you surprise yourself, I saw celebrate the moment, don't punish yourself for it.

Owen [to Kim]

If you hadn't have screwed up, I could've had Beyonce's career!

Teri [to Ian]

The only sound I hear is my stomach turning from eating a cheesesteak. I swear, one of the twins is a judgmental vegan.


This doesn't have to make sense to you. This is my life. And I'm gonna live it the way I want.


Jane: It's like I don't even know you.
Owen: I could say the same thing about you right now.

Kim: You act like we're walking into an episode of "Game of Thrones".
Owen: Yes, with less nudity and more paperwork.

When I feel down, I have to remind myself that I'm getting a second chance with this woman. The only woman I've ever loved.


It wasn't just a peck on the cheek, they were going at it like a soldier returning home to his wife...in a porno.


I'm exhausted jumping through hoops trying to make my life look normal to the outside world. I'm done.


I gotta tell you, Jane/Ian sex is giving Deb/Grayson sex a run for its money.


Romeo and Juliet were 15 year old kids who knew each other for 3 days and then killed themselves after Juliet took a roofie from a priest.


After what we've been through a little thing like Death Row isn't going to keep us apart.


Drop Dead Diva Season 6 Quotes

He was pale, disheveled, exhausted. I don't think he'd slept. If you ask me, it looked like he'd seen a ghost.

Owen [about Grayson]

You know what? The cool thing about me being a lawyer means there's always something else I can do.
