You had the aneurysm removed. You were quite clear that you wanted your life to return to what you consider normal. But you're meant for so much more, Eli. You're one of those people for whom "normal" is a failure of potential.

Recertification Therapist

Matt: Well, we both care about Taylor.
Eli: Might be the only thing we have in common.
Matt: Please God let that be true.
Eli: You know he uses more hair product than you, right?
Taylor: Yeah, it's part of his charm.

You don't have a suitcase, and the theme to The Odd Couple isn't playing, so I assume Beth didn't kick you out already.

Eli Stone Quotes

Lenore: So, his father and I went outside to find Eli naked covered in feathers and chocolate syrup.
Eli: Thanks, Mom. [to Nathan] And thank you, too.
Nathan: Come on, I was ten. Just be glad I couldn't find tar.

Are you breaking up with me? 'Cause I-I was just diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, and that would be really bad timing on your part.

Eli Stone