Larry: You have to go down to level Q
Jack: I've never even heard of level Q
Larry: Yeah, it's not a very popular level.

Dr Fong: You realize that I am actualizing a real time interplanetary communications network.
Jack: That's a lot of big words Doctor Fong, but you're playing it loose and easy with safety.

Senator Wen: I would appreciate your help with extra security.
Jack: I would love to, but I am the town sheriff, I have sheriffy things to do.
Senator Wen: That's politician speak for "you have to" the paperwork is already done.

Jack: Should I sit?
Senator Wen: Neah, just stand there and look pretty.

Zoe: Do you love him?
Jo: I don't know.
Zoe: When this is all over.... Find out!

Beverly: Zoe, I don't have time for this.
Zoe: Hey Beverly, bite me!

Shot with my own pulse gun, locked in my own cell! This is so not right.


Jack: What have you done with my girlfriend, I've seen the brain scans
Allison (Beverly): I knew I shouldn't kiss you, it was just too tempting
Jack: Oh *was it*?!

Jack: She's not acting like herself
Zane: Because someone hacked your girlfriend.

Jack: Do you have her scan?
Henry: Yeah, with a little help from Zane. It shows there is a radical shift in her CTA, cortex telemetric activity [pause].
Jack: Really??? Do I have to ask?

Zane: Can I ask you something I can't really talk about with anyone else?
Henry: If it has to do with sexual mechanics while in zero-g... No.
Zane: Not that, although, now I have several questions.

Henry: That's disconcerting
Jack: It's bad isn't it? What is it? Subdermal hematoma, pheocromacytoma, concussion... Uh, there was a House marathon on last night.

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.