You see Marvin's stupid new flagpole in his yard? That's you. Steady pole in the ground. Everyone else around you is like the flag, changing direction as the wind shifts. But not you, you're keeping everything in place. But the pole gets no attention. We salute the flag, but not the pole.


The woman who thinks Lex Luther is the superhero of Superman?


Louis, you know you shouldn't undress when you're upset.


Extracurriculars are the wings of a social butterfly


It's like all my powers have been drained to fuel my rage"


We tried to do the responsible thing and it didn't matter. Let's just live it up while we can. Y2K.


Trust me, there is no experience like the feeling Eddie will get when he graduates Harvard and sees my glowing stare of approval.


It sounds like you're going on a ton of trips, on the "complain train."


Now you're projecting. Did you take drama too?

Maybe finish chewing before you talk?

You know I always figure that being his father automatically made me the teacher. But, I'm realizing that he'll teach me things too because he's going through big life changes. And so is Honey, it only makes sense that your relationship would evolve.


Oh no, there's a hole in the foot of my jammies! Hello, Ernie the toe.


Fresh Off the Boat Quotes

Louis: Are you ready to do this?
Mitch:: Not really, I feel like I've told you numerous times, I don't want to do this but all you do is smile and nod.
Louis: [Smiles and nods]
Mitch: You're doing it.
Louis: [Smiles and nods[
Mitch: See, you're doing it

If you get lost, try to find a white family. You will be safe there until I can find you.
