Leela: What in hell happened to Bender?
Fry: Well he didn't check out. The ashtray's still here. Look, Nibbler's caught the scent of vodka and motor oil!

Y'know, as a major Hollywood director, I'll be holding auditions tonight for my next movie. And even though you're all young and naive, I think you might just have what it takes.


Bender: Stop tempting me! For once in my life, I have found inner peace!
Fry: (scoffs) That's for losers. C'mon, sin your heart out!

Fry: Come on, it'll be fun! Maybe we could even drink a little fortified wine.
Bender: What? Drinking wine is a sin. Even if it is deliciously fortified.
Leela: Hey, Bender, look at that woman's purse. It's hanging by a spaghetti strand.
Bender: Thou shalt not snatch.
Fry: And there's Hookerbot 5000. She's got a heart of solid gold!

Fry: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, Bender. So long as we're here why don't we take in some exotic dancing?
Leela: Hey, great idea!
Bender: But... those girls don't wear cases. You can see their bare circuits.

Fry: We've got to get the old Bender back.
Leela: And I think I know a way to do it. We have to reacquaint him with a little thing called "sleaze".

Fry: Bender's stupid religion is driving me nuts.
Leela: Amen.
Farnsworth: If only he had joined a mainstream religion like Oprah-ism or Voodoo.

Bender: Friends! Friends! Surely you're not going to eat before we say Robot Grace? In the name of all that is good and logical we give thanks for the chemical energy we are about to absorb. To quote the prophet Jerematic: 1000101010101... (Time Lapse)... 010110012. Amen.

Mon, I'm hungrier than a green snake in a sugar cane field!


Leela: If this helps Bender clean up his act then I think we should be supportive.
Farnsworth: Yes.
Amy: Oh, yeah.
Hermes: Oh, yes!
Zoidberg: Oh, yeah.
Bender: Wonderful. Then you'll all come to my exceedingly long, un-air-conditioned baptism ceremony!

Fry: Great! He's whacked out on electricity again.
Bender: No, I'm whacked out on life. My friends, I found religion.
Fry: Religion? Is this another scam to get free yarmulkes?

Hermes: And as a further cost-cutting measure, I have eliminated the salt-water cooler.
Zoidberg: This is a witch hunt!

Futurama Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Hey, what kinda party is this? There's no booze and only one hooker.


Leela: (knocks on the restroom door) Bender, why are you spending so much time in the bathroom? Are you jacking on in there?
Bender: No! Don't come in!