Jon: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish we'd never gone.
Daenerys: I don't. If we hadn't gone, I wouldn't have seen. You have to see it to know. Now, I know. The dragons are my children. They're the only children I'll ever have. Do you understand? We are going to destroy the Night King and his army. We will do it together. You have my word.
Jon: Thank you, Dany.
Daenerys: Dany. Who was the last person who called me that? I'm not sure. Was it brother? Hmm. Not the company you want to keep.
Jon: Alright. Not Dany. How about my Queen? I'd, um, bend the knee but...
Daenerys: What about those you swore allegiance to?
Jon: They will come to see you for what you are.
Daenerys {Crying]: I hope I deserve it.
Jon: You do.

Thoros: You still mad at us, boy?
Gendry: You sold me to a witch.
Thoros: A priestess. I'll admit, it is a subtle distinction.
Beric: We're fighting a great war. Wars cost money.
Gendry: I wanted to be one of you. I wanted to join the brotherhood, but you sold me off... like a slave. Do you know what she did to me? She strapped me down in the bed. She stripped me naked.
The Hound: Sounds alright so far.
Gendry: And put leeches on me.
The Hound: Was she naked, too?
Thoros: She needed your blood.
Gendry: Yes, thank you. I know that.
The Hound: Could have been worse.
Gendry: She wanted to kill me. They would have killed me if it wasn't for Davos.
The Hound: But they didn't, did they? So what are you whinging about?
Gendry: I'm not whinging.
The Hound: Your lips are moving and you're complaining about something. That's whinging. This one's been killed six times. You don't hear him whinging about it.

I’m sure cutting off heads is very satisfying, but that’s not the way you get people to work together.


I’m tired of reading about the achievements of better men.


A crippled boy claims to have seen dead men on the watch beyond The Wall.


Daenerys: You look strong. You found a cure?
Ser Jorah: I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t.

That’s Cersei Lannister, not me. I’m not here to murder, and all I want to destroy is the wheel that has rolled over rich and poor to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world.


Gilly: What’s an annulment?
Sam: It’s when a man sets aside his lawful wife.
Gilly: [High Septon] Maynard says here that he issued an annulment for a Prince Rhaegar and remarried him to someone else at the same time in a secret ceremony in Dorne. Is that a common thing in the south, or is —

You've just won the biggest prize in the world. What could you possibly have to be upset about? Come on, you can tell me. Queen of thorns give you one last prick in the balls before saying goodbye?

Bronn [to Jaime]

Guard 1: Eh, oh, where you going?
Arya: In there. I live here.
Guard 1: Fuck off.
Arya: I am Arya Stark, this is my home.
Guard 2: Arya Stark's dead.
Arya: Send for Maester Luwin or Ser Rodrick. They'll tell you who I am.
Guard 2: There's no Rodrick here.
Guard 1: Maester's named Walcolm.
Arya: Go ask Jon Snow then, the King in the North. He's my brother.
Guard 1: He's a thousand miles away.
Guard 2: Look, it's cold and we're busy, so y'know, best fuck off.
Arya: If Jon's gone, who's in charge of Winterfell?
Guard 2: The Lady of Winterfell... Lady Stark?
Arya: Which Lady Stark?
Guard 1: You tell us. You're the one impersonating her sister.
Arya: Tell Sansa her sister's home.
Guard 1: Lady Sansa is too busy to waste her breath on you. Just like us, so for the last time, fuck off.
Arya: I'm getting into this castle one way or another. If I'm not who I say I am, I won't last long. If I am and Sansa finds out you turned me away...

Iron Banker: Some at the Iron Bank will be disappointed. They've grown rather fond of your interest payments.
Cersei: We must devise a way to raise their spirits.

Littlefinger: I imagine you've seen things most men wouldn't believe. To go through all of that, make your way home again only to find such chaos...
Bran: Chaos is a ladder.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
