Elderly Woman: Oh, excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where we can find the best antiques?
Michel: At your house, I'd guess.

Lorelai: She'll be taking the bus.
Emily: I know. I hate that she takes the bus. Drug dealers take the bus.

Lorelai: Hey, guys, I have an idea. What about, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you know, when I go to Hartford for my business class, what if Lane comes along, and you guys can shop and study and join a cult and shave your heads?
Lane: Really?
Lorelai: All except the shaving your heads part.
Lane: Oh, no. What time is it?
Rory: 6:30.
Lane: I'm late for dinner.
Lorelai: Again? Lane, you mother is gonna kill me if I keep sending you home fed and happy.
Lane: I'm sorry. But she found a website that sells tofu in bulk.
Lorelai: Oh, you're kidding, right?
Lane: Yesterday, she went out and bought a bigger fridge.
Lorelai: Boy, now, your life is scary.

Rory: I wish I could figure out a way to get Paris off my back.
Lorelai: Yeah, angry chicks are the worst. When I was in high school I had a Paris.
Rory: Yeah?
Lorelai: Yeah, she was horrible.
Rory: How'd you get rid of her?
Lorelai: I got pregnant and dropped out.

Headmaster Charleston: I've known your grandparents for quite some time.
Rory: I know.
Headmaster Charleston: I was at a party at their house just last week, where I had some of the best lobster puffs I have ever eaten. I'm very fond of them.
Rory: That's nice.
Headmaster Charleston: None of this, however, will be of any benefit to you. Chilton has one of the highest academic standards of any school in America. You may have been the smartest girl in Stars Hollow, but this is a different place. The pressures are greater, the rules are stricter, and the expectations are higher. If you make it through, you will have received one of the finest educations one can get. However, since you are starting late and are not used to this highly competitive atmosphere, there is a good chance you will fail. That's fine, failure is a part of life--but not a part of Chilton. Understand?

Headmaster Charleston: Why do you wish to be Christiane Amanpour?
Rory: Well, I don't wish to be her, exactly. I just want to do what she does.
Headmaster Charleston: Which is?
Rory: Um....travel, see the world up close, be part of something big.
Headmaster Charleston: And in order to be part of something big, you have to be on TV? Why not lead the police on a high-speed chase? That's a quicker way to achieve your goal.
Rory: Being on TV has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll become a journalist and write books and articles about what I see. I just want to make sure that I see....something. (pauses) You'll notice that the debating team is also missing from my resume.

Rory: (grabs her pillow) It's 7:10!
Lorelai: (grabs the pillow back) Stop it! It's a quarter to six.
Rory: No, it's not!
Lorelai: Yes, it is! I set the clock for a quarter to six so it's. . .
(Rory grabs the clock and shows her the time)
Lorelai: It's 7:10! Dammit.

Michel: Once again, your faithful pooch is here to say: Please come back to the desk. Someone needs to talk with you.
Lorelai: It's not my mother, is it?
Michel: It's possible.
(Lorelai turns to see the man she met at Chilton standing at the front desk
Lorelai: It's possible?
Michel: There's a resemblance.

(glances at her fuzzy clock) This is the last time I buy anything just because it's furry.


Lorelai: So, I brought us some coffee.
Rory: Why, I'm shocked.
Lorelai: Triple caf, easy foam. And if that doesn't work, we'll stick our fingers in a light socket.

Lorelai: You are an amazing kid. You have earned this. You just go in there and show them what smart really is. I love you. Just call me if you need me.
Rory: You're kidding, right?
Lorelai: No. Call me if you need anything. I'm great at making up dirty cheers.

Excuse me. There's a phone call for you, and if I am to fetch you like a dog, I'd like a cookie and a raise.


Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
